Ulitza Kronemeyer Kronemeyer is a Financial Professional with New York Life Insurance Company in Myrtle Beach.
“I was born and raised in South Africa, and came to the United States as an Au Pair in 2001. I loved the U.S and decided to become a citizen,” she explains. Starting over in a new country was challenging, especially when it came to building credit and generating financial wealth.
“As a female, we are often overlooked when it comes to talking about finances and I was determined to change this mindset,” Ulitza says. “I am currently a licensed Agent with New York Life Insurance, where I work with young families, small businesses and retirees by creating financial blueprints for future generations.”
She notes that a recent study indicated women in the US earned $0.84 for every dollar their fulland part-time counterparts earned in 2020. That income disparity means that female employees must work an extra 39 days each year to take home the same annual pay as male coworkers.* Since women earn less and have longer life expectancies, it is so important to become financially savvy, so we don’t outlive our money.
New York Life Insurance is a mutual company. Mutuality is our business model. We are committed to maintaining our superior financial strength to deliver the secure financial future our customers depend on. Ulitza strives to maintain just as high standards. She was awarded the New Org agent of the year for 2022 and 2021. She is also an active volunteer in her community. Ulitza aspires to “be seen as a strong financial pillar in her community. She wants to create a space where women can gather and share life experiences, and leave with a sense of confidence that they are not alone in this life, and share that we can all learn from each other regardless of race or age.”
As for advice she’d give to women starting out in business, Ulitza says: “Surround yourself with positive, uplifting, successful women. Never forget you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Go out and make it count!”
*5 Facts about the Gender Pay Gap”, www.blog.dol.gov, March 19, 2021;
“The Narrowing, but Persistent, Gender Gap in Pay”, www.PewResearch.org, May 25, 2021
New York Life
Insurance Company
1312 Professional Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 957-0577