“Saltwater Chamber Orchestra to Perform at the Horry County Museum”

“Saltwater Chamber Orchestra to Perform at the Horry County Museum”

The Horry County Museum presents a concert by the Saltwater Chamber Orchestra on Saturday, March 15th at 1 PM. Comprised of volunteer members and performers, Saltwater Chamber Orchestra boasts a robust season of concerts with quality music performance. The group began as a club in the Coastal Carolina OLLI program in Myrtle Beach, SC, and is now an independent chamber string orchestra. Their repertoire consists of classical and show/pop selections, as well as selections for various holidays. Throughout the years since its founding, the organization has performed along the Grand Strand coast of South Carolina, sharing the comforting sounds of strings in the palmetto community. Venues have included churches, schools, libraries, and museums, as part of an ongoing concert series, and for educational, charitable, and civic events. For more information about the Saltwater Chamber Orchestra, and to view a schedule of their events, visit www.saltwaterchamberorchestra.orgThe concert will be held in the Museum’s McCown Auditorium located at 805 Main Street, Conway, SC 29526. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 843-915-5320 or email hcg.museum@horrycountysc.govFor more information about programs for 2025, visit the museum website at www.horrycountymuseum.org.

Location: The Horry County Museum

Website address: https://www.horrycountymuseum.org/

March 15 2025