Purses with Purpose

Purses with Purpose

The GFWC North Myrtle Beach Woman’s Club is again putting on a fanciful fete for a great cause with its 12th annual Purses with Purpose event. Held in the Nautilus Ballroom at Marina Inn Grande Dunes, attendees will be treated to a dinner buffet, music, and a live auction featuring handsome male models showcasing designer purses contributed by celebs, local women of distinction, and businesses. Everyone gets a kick out of seeing the gents dance and strut to win the highest bid for their handbag, and the gals can be very competitive! Club member Joyce Thomas notes: "We’ve had these models walk in high heels, do push ups, dance the salsa, show us their six packs, shag dance, etc!" Chairperson Jeri McCumbee actually dreamed up this phenomenal fundraiser. “Our sponsors have been so loyal and supportive. Last year we raised almost $90,000 and our goal this year is to surpass the $100,000 mark!"  A portion of the proceeds will got to domestic violence initiatives. Other charities include The Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach, Hope’s Kitchen, scholarships to North Myrtle Beach High School students, Sea Haven, Inc., and more. Marina Inn, Grande Dunes, 8121 Amalfi Place. Thursday, 5:30 p.m. $70. www.northmyrtlebeachwomansclub.org

April 11 2024