Join Hobcaw staff to explore some remote areas of the property’s natural beauty and learn of the valuable ecological resources that Belle Baruch worked to conserve. Highlights include stops at Tar Kiln Swamp, a mature longleaf stand with Red-cockaded Woodpecker cavities, and the beautiful North Inlet salt marsh. Along the way, visitors will learn the importance of the many ecosystems that make up Hobcaw Barony’s 16,000 acres, as well as how historic land use on the property has affected the present-day ecology and management. This is an opportunity to journey through ecological time, from Native Americans, to colonial-era logging, rice plantations, Baruch-era duck hunting, and conclude with Belle’s vision of conservation, education, and research. This tour will require more walking than the typical introductory tour. Please note that tour participants travel via a 14-person passenger bus on rustic roads. Reservations required. Hobcaw Barony, 22 Hobcaw Barony Rd. Wednesday, 2-4:30 p.m. $35. (843) 546-1623,