For 2020, we are throwing it back and featuring some former Most Stylish favorites. With the beautiful Marina Inn as a backdrop, get ready to be wowed by these all-star looks!
Occupation: Interior Designer/Custom Selections Coordinator
What words would you use to describe your style? Casual, comfortable, professional, timeless—sometimes spirited and unconventional. Depends on my mood.
What does your style say about who you are? I am self-expressed and original, but also polished and professional.
Who inspires you? My parents. They gave me a great foundation, roots and a taste of style.
Who is someone fashionable you follow on social media? Lady Gaga. She is known for stepping out of the box when it comes to fashion.
If you could raid anyone’s closet, who would it be? David Beckham.
Favorite stores to shop: J.Crew, H & M, Nordstrom and boutiques.
Best style advice you’ve ever gotten? Use your clothing choices to reflect your personality and ALWAYS be yourself.
Any looks you once swore off that you now love? I never swear off anything--if I like it, I wear it.
How has your style evolved? I have stopped dressing up so much and now being casual, comfortable and sporty.
Best memory from being Most Stylish? Someone spotted me in the supermarket on my worst dressed day and pulled the magazine off the rack to show everyone my picture in GSM.
A quote you live by: “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” – Maya Angelou