Taking a moment of appreciation for local people working hard in our community during the COVID-19 crisis
You are likely seeing local heroes often during these tough times of the COVID-19 outbreak. People are putting their lives on the line to keep this country moving during this crisis. Heroes are all around us.
Grand Strand Magazine invited readers to tell us about those they'd like people to know about.
Jessica Wilson nominated Carol Sue Eaton, a physician assistant at Conway Medical Center.
“Carol (Susie) is by far the most dedicated medical provider I have ever met. Her patients follow her from office to office,” Jessica said. ‘She works for Conway Medical Center and she is an expert in many areas. She will go out of her way to ensure her patients have care and follow up with prescriptions, referral, and she believes that medical care is a customer business. She is tough as nails with a heart of gold." She is also very involved with her faith community and teaches Sunday school, as well as being a loving mother and wife to Doctor Richard Eaton.
Her work is also postively impacting the local commnity. “Currently working on the front lines seeing patients and dealing with all the same issues we hear on the news but never once complaining about them, Susie is someone I admire greatly,” Jessica said. “She would never give up or not go to work. She is triaging COVID-19 patients, providing recommendations. And she still finds the time to answer questions to other patients about COVID-19, what to do, what not to do, what is propaganda, etc. She is a true healthcare hero and our local community is lucky to have her."
Thank you, Susie, for your work in our community! Click here to nominate your own local #GrandStrandHero.